Thursday, April 29, 2010

Cover Letter Sample Makeup Artist

GREEN fraction PM invites: Consultation on Renewable Energies

Group invites residents to submit hours on
Renewable Energy and Public Group meeting

The Alliance 90/The Greens Potsdam-Mittelmark in its next meeting to focus on renewable energy sources in the district and would like to come with interested residents of Potsdam-Mittelmark in conversation.

anniversary on April 26, for 24.Male the Chernobyl disaster. The Greens District Council Group, the question is whether the right lessons have been learned? Added to the effects of global warming are caused by CO2 emissions and the role of the state of Brandenburg in this context. But what does this have to do with the Potsdam-Mittelmark? These questions, discuss the Greens Group pleased with interested residents:

on Monday, 3 Clock by 17 May 2010 in Bad Belzig, Niemöller Strasse 1,
(meeting room of the district administration office on the 2nd floor)
followed Following the public Beratungen der GRÜNEn Kreistagsfraktion ab 18.00 Uhr

Dr. Elke Seidel, Energie-politische Sprecherin der Kreistagsfraktion BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN freut sich über die positive Entwicklung im Landkreis, mahnt jedoch weitere Anstrengungen an, um die ehrgeizigen Klimaschutz-Ziele einer energiepolitisch autarken Region Mittelmark verwirklichen zu können: „Jede zweite Kilowattstunde Strom erzeugen wir im Landkreis bereits selbst – in Feldheim sogar zu 100%, wo sich die Einwohner selbst um ihre Strom- und Wärmeversorgung kümmern – kostengünstiger als es die großen Versorger anbieten. Mit Feldheim beginnt die Demokratisierung der Stromwirtschaft. Wie viele Feldheims kann es im Landkreis PM geben? Die GREEN Group is convinced that we have many farmers and villages that have this potential: a rural activity, dung and manure generated and corresponding biomass grows, one or three wind turbines and photovoltaic systems many in the village. Although we will need people who pursue this vision and work for it. The issue of energy and self-sufficiency must be a topic of conversation at all levels.

Let us keep in mind that the heat and power to a county is expensive. We pay for oil, gas and electricity - the money does not remain in the region. If we win, however, even heat and electricity from renewable energy sources, reaching we remain, for the money spent in Potsdam-Mittelmark, not for imports of oil, gas, nuclear or lignite-fired power must be spent. The transition from fossil to the solar age is thus a unique business development program for our region "

further information, contact Dr. Elke Seidel, Tel. 033204-34703, mobile: 0172-304 21 28


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