Friday, December 31, 2010

Tv Corner Wall Mount Vizio 42

Tomorrow is next year ...

... and next year we have a lot before. The first youth-and young-blowers to make is, of course, again the Arts in Scheibenberg and certainly many other exciting things.

I wish you a wonderful New Year's Eve celebration, a happy new year and it is all a happy and successful 2011.

Viele Grüße

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dog Drinking Lots Of Water After Pancreatitis

is still to end the year ....

Well at least almost. at this point still a warm invitation to worship youth at 30.12. in neudorf . we want to adopt a Convention again this year and this under the theme rayed . So let yourself cordially invited. those who, like, driving when we will be clarified.

and the second one heartfelt thank you to all the help / helped youth planned hours, accompanied songs, held reverently, rumgemailt / phone etc. have. I think we want to thank God for this year. for all of its preservation, or even just when things are not going so well. let you also have to invite 01/01/2011 . because we want to be willing to think again about the new youth program.

you all a happy new year. perhaps come the new year so quiet ... (I know, "whosoever believes shall be saved") so
greeting Roed

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Motion Detector, Wiring Shematics

"joy springs from the womb"

at 24.12. again finds the Vespers on Christmas Eve instead. This is designed by us as a youth. onset is 14 clock . for all here ever have an program . whoever finds it, but no text has turn to hesitate to contact Jens.
greeting Roed

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Create Your Own Wwe Star And Play

Hutznobnd 18.12.

Hello dear people,
on Saturday Hutznobnd is with albert. please remember that the jugenstunde this time only 20 clock starts.
greeting Roed

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sinus Infection Heater

nun sind es nur noch anderthalb Wochen bis Weihnachten und ich bin heilfroh, dass ich schon fast alle Weihnachtsgeschenke habe.
Im Moment stecke ich nämlich schon mittendrin in den Vorbereitungen für das Jungbläsertreffen und hab eine Menge zu tun.
Deswegen werdet ihr hier in nächster Zeit wieder mehr Neuigkeiten lesen können.

Hier eine sehr erfreuliche:
Roland Werner, unser Bundesposaunenwart, hat sich für das Mai-Wochenende angekündigt und wird bei unserem Jungbläsertag mitwirken. Ich freue mich sehr, dass ihr ihn kennenlernen könnt. :)

Bis bald
Your Eli

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Floradix For Vegetarians

when Santa Claus brings the total ...

then some of the men's creation of course crazy. and thus a warm thanks :
- to Anna and Steffi to play, fun and delicious to eat
- for all the great "scrap wichtel"
- for the great community
- to nadine for the pictures
- and for the community the solutions
if I have forgotten now what look to me. in this sense you all have a blessed Advent and Christmas greeting

images and now even more fun with the

Friday, December 10, 2010

Dutchman Owners Manual


Rarely has convinced me such a simple tool so perfect. to name

In a series of . Especially for (lazy) students and teachers the ultimate tool for preparing the lecture!

Just Enter keyword and you get an interactive mind map. GENIAL (I really hate capital letters) the can on the website already (and to) work or they are exported in FreeMind format (. Mm).

worked with a few errors in special characters / umlauts. Most of them were correct, but some came from as HTML entities. This was also the reason why I could not open the file with XMind (my favorite mind map program) (the first had with Freemind open and then save).


Expressions With Word Golden

burnout among teachers. Take preventive

invitation to the seminar

Liebe Kollegin, lieber Kollege,

von der GEW Brandenburg wird ein Seminar angeboten, das sich mit der „seelischen“ Gesunderhaltung von Lehrern beschäftigt. Es geht um die Bewältigung der wachsenden Belastungen sowie um Strategien zur Vorbeugung von Erschöpfung und Burnout.

Termin: Freitag, 21. 01. 2011 16.00 Uhr bis
Samstag, 22. 01. 2011 16.00 Uhr

Ort: Springbach-Mühle Belzig
Mühlenweg 2
14806 Belzig

Referent: Rainer Ockel
Lehrer, Sporttherapeut, Diplom-Gesundheitswissenschaftler

Unternehmen wie Schulen leben von langfristig motivierten und leistungsfähigen Mitarbeitern, die sich auch persönlich weiterentwickeln können. Hierzu kann planmäßig und langfristig beigetragen werden, - gerade in Zeiten mit steigenden Belastungen im Bereich der psychischen Erkrankungen; viele Lehrer fühlen sich jedoch erschöpft, es droht Burnout.
Ziel und Anspruch dieses Seminars ist es, theoretisches und Erfahrungswissen to convey the "soul" maintaining the health of teachers.
The participants recognize their influence on health-related attitudes and practices, develop ideas about health-promoting influence on their social and work environment.
concept modules:
burnout among teachers - a situation;
teaching health theory with application and practical;
Introduction of principles and methods of health promotion;
relaxation, movement and awareness exercises
ensure diversity of methods is:
hear lectures, complete and evaluate questionnaires and Self-awareness exercises to perform, work out solutions to problems in sample items themselves to make active discussions

Fee: € 45.00 (20.00 Euro without accommodation)
For participants who are not PRO member, costs incurred from 115.00 €.

provides information on registration

To register for the seminar are several possibilities. As binding only valid Applications received in writing.
  1. If the invitation for tenders or an associated feedback form before, you may send by post, fax or mail (see below).
  2. Regardless of a feedback form you can register in writing and for that we need: name, first name, seminar title (possibly seminar number), address, phone and possibly an e-mail address.
Post: GEW Brandenburg, PF 600 763, 14 407 Potsdam FAX: 0331-27184-30 E-Mail:

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Neutrogena Deep Clean Slogan


still find important information on the Christmas party on 11.12. for you: first
possible by 19 clock to be there because we want to eat together
second a gift for Secret Santa
bring scrap third and if jmd NEN still small sketch / poem / story / spiel...iwas has he can get involved very much so
Thanks for the info on anna
ie up to the Christmas greeting

Friday, December 3, 2010

Point Tomake Someone Fall Asleep

Watchword 2011

The financial solution for 2011 is "Let's not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." Romans 12.21.
Here is a call all creative . Who has an idea for a picture getalten itself or can one? This will then return to the blog (where there is now the heart). Report to me. Together we will vote which then comes to the blog (and please nothing with ©). So let your imagination run wild, I'm looking forward to your suggestions.
greeting Roed

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Can Female Docter Only Check 8

Hi everybody, I've now

but not written for a while, you had not forgotten. Because the blowers
youth meet in May there was to clarify some formalities that you do not care.
Meanwhile there are still some news.
Luke has promised the weekend to be present and us on Saturday, even as the Feast of Trumpets on Sunday to assist with the drums.
There are already two workshops, which are fixed as good as. The ones I have asked if they would embellish one can imagine the good and looking forward to it.
course, I can tell you more not say who it is exactly and what they do ... Be surprised.

I wish you all a blessed Advent and Christmas.
your Eli