Sunday, March 14, 2010

Short Story With Dr Mrs Vandertramp

ADFC based Kreisverband Teltow-Fläming

press release:
today (13/03/2010) took place at the community center in Dahlewitz "strike at the station", the inaugural meeting of the district association ADFC Teltow-Fläming instead. Members of the General German Bicycle Club (ADFC) have decided to form a separate district association. It was the goal of making cycling more attractive and discuss the possibilities of achieving this goal. It was decided, among other things, engaging in joint cycling. We hope through the creation of the district association, the interests of the wheel moving people now better represented and represented the justifiable demands of politicians and traffic planners to efficiently than before. Because the benefits of cycling are obvious: it is environmentally friendly, makes no noise and helps to contribute to alleviating the problems caused by motorized traffic. Our meetings are public and cycling. Interested citizens are welcome to attend. Also, the ADFC is the contact person for issues about cycling available. We want to make an active contribution to the vast potential and benefits of sustainable means of transport bike with pleasure and fun can be better tapped. The wheel allows mobility and accessibility. Cycling good for the climate and the environment, saves energy and space, offers an intensive urban and scenic experience. The gentlemen Jürs Axel, Stefan and Torsten Schmitz Saro were elected to the board and it could now be greeted on the attractive family membership 10 new members in ADFC.
Torsten Saro
Tel: 01633419830


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